Monday, May 28, 2012

my life is a country song

its back to summer now.
days are spent sleeping in the sun and nights are spent out partying in a barn.
being that its summer i now have a little more free time to write to you all.
i have been out of school for a week and so far each and every one of my days has been filled up. from shopping to the river, i have had not a second of free time. until now. seven o'clock on a Monday night. (memorial day!) and i have free time.

so like the title says, my life has become a country song.
you know the ones that talk about a guy backroading with his hunny bee. the ones where the guys sing about if they didn't have the woman their with, then they would be out looking for a woman like her. the songs about big trucks, dirt roads, rivers, ice cold beer. 
she's country | tumblr
i got me an old 89' dodge pick up truck. no hun not anything fancy. this big old thing is meant to be driven down gravel roads, through mud, and cowboy boots up on the dash board.
i haven't had it long but iv already had so much dang fun with it.
yeah I'm one of those girls who fall in love with her truck. :)
the other day me and my babe, took it out back roading out on the prairie. drove through a few fields and even through the river. that's what i love about having 4 wheel drive. you can go anywhere.
me and my guy took it out in a big open hay field and just laid their for a while, talking bout the good times we had, and the good times were going to have.

yeah i feel like a love song. i have one of those things that you think isn't possible. i might sound a little cheesey here but my guy means everything to me. i might be slightly addicted to my boyfriend :p
its crazy how much you can love a person. i have no idea how i got here, but I'm so glad i did.
if you haven't found the one yet, i really hope you get to find them and experience this.
I'm so lucky to have him.

well summer has just begun and i plan to live it up. so i best be getting off of here and start jumping into the water.
ill write soon.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Best and The Worst

This weekend i had the best time of my life.
You want to know why?
I went to a concert, not just any old concert...
Scotty McCreery, The Band Perry, and Brad Paisley!!!!!!!
There are not enough words in the English dictionary to explain how amazing this night was.

Scotty, this beautiful boy, can there possibly be a more amazing guy out there?
I just don't think so. He sang his heart out to every song.

I got to meet the band perry!!
Really nice people, and so amazing.

ohhhhh Brad :)

Don't forget about the gorgeous Carrie Underwood! <3

I couldn't have asked for a better concert.
we had great seats and a great time. i would go again and again if i could.
So the concert was the best.
are you ready to here the worst?

Sorry to bring up the guy again but hey that's what this blog is about right?
Well we broke up again, surprise surprise eh?
I feel used.
Who knows what will happen in the future, i don't regret dating him, ever..
i still love this guy, so i may make another bad mistake and take him back or i may say I'm done with all of this. i don't own a crystal ball. just a magic 8 one.

but for now I'm going to forget him and remember my Saturday night with Scotty, the man i really love

Monday, February 13, 2012

Its a Beautiful Snow Day

icon by sammy use.(:
Its a snow day. Finally. 
Now that I'm stuck at home for the day i have time to write and fill you in on how my life has been and what i have been up to. 
First of all, this time has been the best, i thought i was i making the worst decision of my life going back to the same boy that this blog has always been about. He's broke my heart multiple times and put it back together again and again. I love him so much. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me he truly deeply loves me. and i love him back. For being so young i know i shouldn't revolve my world around this guy, but its so hard not to. When I'm sick, he brings me chocolate. When I'm happy, its because of him. Every time i listen to what my mind is thinking, he is definitely on it. He makes an appearance in every one of my dreams. Its scares me to hell that he is enlisting in the marines. I don't want to lose him. I know i am going to be crushed if we ever split up again. but for now everything is perfect with me and my boy. I am extremely happy with my love life.
icon by sammy use.(:

Second, i finally moved downstairs! My bedroom is beautiful and i love it. Its everything i am. It took three whole weeks to completely renovate the space and make it my own. Finally i have the space in my closet for every piece of my wardrobe, which i must say is excessively large. and yes i am using my walk in closet AND the spare bedroom closet as well. What can i say, I'm a fashionista. :) I have my room all decorated up with my black and white Paris theme and just the other day i updated all of my picture frames with new pictures of my friends and me. I love my friends so dearly.
Miss Couture
Third, there was homecoming. I ran for sophomore attendant, and i must say i looked gorgeous in my wonderful blue dress. Me and my friends lit up the dance floor that night. Usually i always come home saying that the dances never last long enough, but this time i came home saying it was too long. Maybe because all i wanted to do was get out of there and spend time with my guy, and that's just what i did. That night me and my boy went riding down that back roads, so much fun.


Fourth, I went to my first crazy wild party. I admit i did get a little drunk that night, but oh did i have the greatest time of my life. Me and my closest friends partied up the night. And yeah we all got away with it. We are young wild and can't let our parent know what we are doing. :p i thought we were going to get caught but we never did. we all had so much fun and the mothers don't know a thing. they think we had a sleep over,  it was much better than a sleep over.
Exchanging body heat in the passenger's seat.
I'm loving my life, and i never regret a thing i do. You only get one chance to live, and I'm going to live it up to its fullest. so its a snow day, I'm off to go play in the cold.
audios amigos! 

commitment issues

I said i was going to write a book. There are still days that i say I'm going to write three books.
I must be crazy, because 2 years later and I'm still only on chapter 3.
I Love Reading And Writing!
I said i was going to learn one of Yiruma's amazing songs on piano.
and iv only made it slightly past the second verse.
piano | Tumblr
I said i was going to keep a blog. i hardly ever write.
Restart My Heart

I said that i was done with him forever, now were back together again.
i guess you could say i have major commitment issues.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's been a while hasnt it?

I'm sorry.
I cant say that I've been busier than ever or that i have been too busy to write. but i guess you could say my time has been a little taken up by the holiday season.
that and i have just been filling up all my free time doing other things forgetting about even having this blog.
but I'm here now ready to fill you in with all the happenings in the past month.
imgfave | images faved by KaliBrooks
So first lets talk about the guy.
yup that's right the same guy, the one i have talked about this whole time. the one that keeps coming and going. the last time he left my heart in millions of pieces. small, shredded, confused pieces. yes you can definitely say that he hurt me.
well surprise surprise eh? He is trying to get me back.
I took him up on his offer and went out with him one night, probably shouldn't have done that. But it was the first time i seen or talked to him in a long time. since he crushed my heart.
despite it all i guess i just cant stop loving him. but anyways after that night i swore to myself that i wouldn't go back to him. i couldn't go back to him for the 100th time. He hurt me too bad the last for me to go back and risk the hurt again. but then we started talking on a daily basis. we started hanging together at school. we went to a few more ball games together, and now he is trying harder than ever to get me back.
But you know what i decided? and i wont change my mind.
this time. its over.
and I'm fine with that, I'm finally ready to let him go.
Next came along the end of a year, the beginning of a winter season, and being caught in the middle of a wonderful Christmas. <3
I'm not trying to make excuses of why i haven't been writing but end of the year finals kept me busy busy busy. Then winter break started, all the free time to write, well i slept in a little late, watched too many the vampire diaries reruns and got deeply into the hunger games books.
Just letting you know. i am addicted to the vampire diaries. i own both full seasons and i have been trying to watch all the episodes again before next Thursday when the 3rd season starts up again. There's something about Damon Salvatore that melts me. Oh that man.
And now there is a new addiction arising in me. The Hunger Games. I just got my hands on these books and it took me just 2 days to plow through the first book. If you haven't read the hunger games yet, your missing out. I'm about to start the second book and i hope it keeps me on my toes just as well as the first one did.
So no excuses on the whole no blogging thing. just lots of reading and TV..
I Love Reading And Writing!
there's one last thing i got to tell you about.
how do you feel about a blind date?
well how do i feel about being set up in a blind date? I'm not so sure just yet.
I wont tell you the whole story because it can get a bit complicated and a little long to explain but to try and make it short, one of my moms coworkers has a grandson. i haven't met him but i heard hes cute. he's a year older and from one town over.
My mom works at a bank so i always go in there and so does the mystery boy. but we have yet to run into each other.. the bank people are trying to set us up i guess.
Maybe ill blog about the results. but for now all i can ask for is...
wish me luck.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Being sixteen is hell. Being a sixteen year old girl, well that's hell times 2.
sixteen reasons why?
1. change. I don't know about all sixteen year olds but i know that I'm going through many changes. Personality, friends, feelings, beliefs, body, boys...etc.
2. parents. yep when your sixteen you go through that whole hating your parents thing.
3. attitude. its true every sixteen year old needs a slight attitude adjustment, we get bitchy at times. reason why attitude is hell: no one likes it, especially the angry elders.
4. fitting in. when your changing and don't know exactly who you are at the moment how are you supposed to know where you fit in?
5. school. (explanatory in itself, we all know how school works)
6. drama. oh us girls sure know how to be dramatic, especially at 16, i think we hit our drama heights.
       7. boys. there everywhere you look. assholes, and sweethearts. Good ones and bad ones. one day you love em the next you despise them.
8. bitches. i guess when your sixteen you forget about other peoples feelings. you forget what its like to be nice to others. i couldn't even count on both hands how many bitches have came up to me and told me off like it was nothing, and its only the end of 1st semester. 
9. decisions. time to start deciding what to do with your life, here's a list of 8,000 jobs, pick one. what!
10. our sensitivity. At this time in our lives, with our hormones going crazy, we get a little emotional.
11. needy. were older now but we still want things done for us, well to dang bad, your old enough to hold your own responsibilities now.
 12. life is no longer simple. what happened to nap time? milk and cookie breaks? no worries in the world.
13. age. your too old, and too young at the same time.
14. pressure. when 16, you find yourself being pressured into many things. either good or bad.
15. common sense. only a few of us have it, but all of us have our moments when we have none. and then we make our mistakes.
16. being sixteen is simply hell because, well your sixteen. - Tumblrで人気の画像まとめ
But being sixteen also just so happens to be one of the best years in your life.
sixteen reasons why?
1. explore. its the perfect time to find out who you are, explore new things, experiment.
2. friends. the ones the count, the ones that matter, their there for you, trust me.
3. young love. when your sixteen you get to fall in love, and fall in love again. love is going to hurt you, but now is the time for beautiful young love.
4. license. (that's another one of those explanatory things. you can drive.)
5. parties. fun times with friends, late nights, and getting into trouble.
6. mistakes. we learn from them, we grow stronger from them.
7. top of the trend. when your old and when your children fashion isn't always 'fashion'. at this age we get to dress crazy, lazy, spunky, funky, hot and sexy.
8. flirting. for those of us who are single, well you know how fun it is to flirt. and at sixteen you can pull off all the best flirting moves.
9. work hard play harder. not only are we having the times of our life on the weekend, and some week nights. we manege to get in our report for history class by Monday morning somehow and totally pass.
10. boys. its 'that' time if you know what i mean. now we know of the birds and the bee's.
11. making memories. sixteen isn't the time to reminisce in the past just yet, its time to make the memories happen.
12. outspoken. now is the time to not hold back. tell people off, speak your mind. we are teenagers and have a new incite on things, new ideas. time to share them.
13. laugh, cry, and get mad. like i said our emotions are heightened, and it can be hell but it also makes things so much better too.
14. somewhere in the middle. times like these life isn't too hard, though its not easy either we manage.
15. energy. we can be the life of the party. are bones are still lose and our metabolism is astonishing.
16. life. its precious, live it to its fullest. be sixteen and wild.
Things Are Never What They Seem
sixteen has all its ups and all its downs but always live it to its largest, fill it with memories, and never regret a thing you do.
try not to miss out on the best years of your life, you only get one chance at life.


Friday, November 25, 2011

boy oh boy

so there's this new boy in town. he's oh so cute and I'm not sure why but hes definitely caught my attention. maybe its because he's cute, funny, and smart. or maybe its because he sits in front of me in history class. either way, he has my number now and i think i might like this boy.

Image of sitemodel rare - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ok so he's not exactly new in town. He has always been around, been in some part of my group of friends but iv never really talked to him, or even paid much attention to this boy. but thanks to history, biology, band, and English, he is now on my radar.
We have been talking and i swear he gets cuter with every word and i hope he thinks the same of me. ha no I'm not saying i want to marry the guy, or even fall head over heels for him, i just want to like him a little, and for him to like me back.
all i need is a crush for once.
I'm a girl that just wants to be noticed. wants to be thought of and liked. and no i don't mean by her parents, she needs someone else, like a boy.
I'm young and tired of being all tied up from my last heart break, so i could use a new crush right now,  and i believe iv found one. 

ps. i hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving :)